Hi kids!

How are you? I hope you are fine and healthy! 

Have you danced Baby Shark song?? If you want to send me a video dancing and singing Baby Shark, you can do it!

Today I want to introduce you a number song. You can listen to it several times, and you can learn it as well! If you want, you can send me your videos to mar@elfarescola.cat

Lots of kisses babies!


Hola nens i nenes!

Com esteu? Espero que estigueu bé.

Heu ballat la cançó del Baby Shark? si voleu em podeu enviar els vostres vídeos ballant i cantant-la! 

Avui us vull presentar una cançó sobre els nombres. La podeu escoltar varies vegades, i podeu aprendre-la també! Si voleu em podeu enviar els vostres videos a mar@elfarescola.cat

Molts petonets, petits!

Teacher Mar

How Many Fingers? | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - YouTube

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