Hi kids!

Here you’ve got our daily routines songs in order to practise them at home! You can do the circle as well, and you can invite to your parents, or brothers and sisters, to your teddys or pets… or whatever! Let’s go! I want to listen to you singing loud and do it with a big smile! If you want, you can send me a video singing one of our daily routines song! mar@elfarescola.com 

Love you!

Teacher Mar


Hola petits/es!

Aquí us deixo les cançonetes que cantem cada dia a la rotllana per a que les practiqueu a casa! Podeu fer la rotllana igualment, amb els pares, els germans, els ninos, les vostres mascotes… el que volgueu! Som-hi! us vull escoltar cantar-les ben fort i amb un super somriure! Si voleu, em podeu enviar un video cantant alguna de les nostres cançons de les rutines!  mar@elfarescola.com


Us estimo!

Teacher Mar

MAKE A CIRCLEUh-huh! - Super Simple Songs

HOW ARE YOU TODAY?How Are You Today? - YouTube

Days of The Week Song For Kids - YouTube


HOW’S THE WEATHER?How's The Weather? | Super Simple Songs - YouTube

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