Scottish dances at school.

Last Tuesday, the 4th year and 3rd cycle students enjoyed a Scottish dance workshop, thanks to the collaboration of David Vivanco. During the whole day, the children have been able to enjoy this very engrossing activity, in which they have been able to learn the typical dances and customs of Scotland. We have also been able to learn a lot about a very unknown instrument for us: the bagpipes. It has been a very special day!

Dimarts passat els alumnes de 4t curs i de 3r cicle han gaudit d’un taller de danses escoceses, gràcies a la col·laboració d’en David Vivanco. Durant tot el dia els infants han pogut gaudir d’aquesta activitat tan engrescadora en la que van poder aprendre els balls típics i costums d’Escòcia. També hem pogut aprendre moltes coses sobre un instrument ben desconegut per nosaltres: la gaita. Ha estat un dia ben especial!