3rd exchange – we received a letter from our partners.

The 4th grade students have played “Who’s who” with the letters and photos we have received from our partners from Montseny School in Mollet del Vallès.
We were very excited as we had been waiting for this exchange for many days. We were all very happyto see them,even in a photo.
We are looking forward to the day of the English Day celebration to meet each other.
There’s not much left!

Els alumnes de 4t hem jugat al “Qui és Qui” amb les cartes i fotos que hem rebut dels nostres companys de l’escola Montseny de Mollet del Vallès.
Ens ha fet molta il·lusió, ja que feia molts dies que esperàvem aquest intercanvi. Ens ha encantat veure’ls encara que sigui en una foto.
Estem desitjant que arribi el dia de celebració de l’English Day per a conèixer-nos.
Ja queda molt poquet!