A special day!

Today, October 1st, we have started our day at school in the playground. We have received Ethan with a warm Welcoming party. Children and teachers have read different messages and Ethan’s answered too. At the end with our banners and posters we have sung our school anthem. Wowww, we are ready to start!

Reunió d’inici de curs

Aquest curs, hem el.laborat una invitació/targeta convidant als pares a venir a la reunió d’inici de curs.

L’assistència és molt important, ja que es dona informacions molt útils per facilitar el funcionament i la relació pares/escola al llarg del curs.

Us esperem a tots amb molta il·lusió.

Starting our Art sessions!

We couldn’t wait! We wanted to start school and enjoy our art sessions!

First activity to be done has been a real challenge! Teacher Núria came up with an unusual and authentic idea. Oscar Julve’s display needed a coat of paint, so we did it! Carefully and stroke by stroke we restored the painting. It seems new!

Ethan’s arrival!!

On September 27th evening we had the pleasure to receive our Language Assistant, Ethan. He’s going to spend the whole school-year with us at Les Arrels School!

During this period of time, Ethan is going to live with some of our families. Five host families are ready to accommodate him at their houses as a new member of the family.

The first to start this big great adventure was Fabian’s family. From the very beginning good vibes were around. Thanks Jaume, Alina and Fabian for being so kind and amiable!

Good luck Ethan! Be very welcome to our school, to our town, to our hearts!

Ethan’s arrival. WELCOME!

Yesterday evening we had the pleasure to receive our Language Assistant, Ethan. He’s going to spend the whole school-year with us at Les Arrels School!

During this period of time, Ethan is going to live with some of our families. Five host families are ready to accommodate him at their houses as a new member of the family.

The first to start this big great adventure was Fabian’s family. From the very beginning good vibes were around. Thanks Jaume, Alina and Fabian for being so kind and amiable!

Good luck Ethan! Be very welcome to our school, to our town, to our hearts!

Els alumnes de 4t tornen a l’escola

Benvinguts i benvingudes, els nens i nenes de 4t hem començat un nou curs. Estem molt contents de retrobar-nos amb els nostres companys, companyes i mestres. Hem recarregat les piles aquest estiu i tenim moltes ganes d’aprendre. En aquesta pàgina us anirem ensenyant tot el que fem a la nostra classe i també a l’escola. No us ho perdeu!