Ha arribat el Tió!

Ahir, dilluns 12 de desembre, els nens i nenes d’Educació Infantil vàrem trobar el Tió al nostre pati! estava amagat darrera el castell i tenia força fred, pobret…

Ara, el tenim a dins de l’escola i ben abrigadet amb una manteta. El cuidarem, el mimarem i l’alimentarem entre tot l’alumnat de l’escola. Esperem que l’últim dia d’aquest trimestre estigui ben tip i el puguem cagar!

Show and tell in 5th grade

From the month of October to the month of December, each of the students from 5th grade has presented which is his/her favourite object to the classmates.

The first minutes of each lesson were devoted to give three clues to the others who had to guess what was the object. Once they knew it, they showed it and explained why it was so important for them. Then they asked questions about it.

It has been a funny and motivating activity for the students and at the same time they were learning English.

Click on the picture for the photos.