Stefanie’s farewell

The 31st of May was the last day of Stefanie, the language assistant in our school for 4th, 5th and 6th graders.

She has been with us since she arrived in October from the USA. She has helped us in the English classes, she has explained a lot about US culture and we have learned with her a lot of American vocabulary.

We wanted to say thanks to her by giving her some presents like a special notebook with her story in our school and her pictures.

Thank you Stefanie and good luck!!!!!


Del tros a la llar

L’últim dia de maig l’alumnat de 4t, 5è i 6è vam anar d’excursió a la partida de Rufea a Lleida, dins del marc del programa de la fruita a l’escola.

Vam realitzar una visita i diferents activitats per tal de fomentar el consum de fruita i hortalisses de temporada i de proximitat. També vam fer un tast de productes de proximitat i vam plantar enciams. Tot això ens va servir per conèixer millor tot el procés productiu ja que el pagès de l’explotació ens va fer de guia.

Va ser una sortida profitosa però també molt calorosa.




9th English Day

This year the 6th graders of our school have participated in the 9th English Day of Pla d’Urgell.

Like last year, they have enjoyed the different activities in our school and in some of them, we have interacted with another school like in the ones called “Guess the sentence” and “Karaoke”. They have also used English as a means of communication with other students as well as they have had a great time.

Click on the photo if you want to see us participating in the English day.