Bringing women to light! 💜

During the last month, 6th graders have been working on bringing important women around the world in history and STEM, for that, they created some biographies and now, they’ve named the main spots in the school with them. 

That’s why now, since the celebration of the International Women’s Day, when you go to the school hall you’ll be in Frida Kahlo Square or, when you visit the playground, you’ll find the Sara Mardini Square.… Llegeix més»


Hola, familias. 

Somos los alumnos y alumnas de 6º y os queremos explicar qué hemos trabajado durante los últimos meses en Castellano. 

En primer lugar, a través de una campaña publicitaria, investigamos los gustos de los niños y niñas del cole para analizar si estaban manipulados o no. Nos dimos cuenta de que las niñas pedían muchas más muñecas mientras que los niños se decantaban por videojuegos y aparatos electrónicos. También…… Llegeix més»

English language assistant!

Estimades famílies,

Durant aquest trimestre (gràcies a un projecte que van dur a terme els actuals alumnes de 6è), els alumnes de 5è han comptat amb la presència de la Taylor, una assistent de conversa anglesa de California! El temps ha volat parlant i jugant amb ella!
Here you have some photos!… Llegeix més»

Jobs role plays (6th)

Last few weeks, the 6th graders have been working on a jobs challenge and we have recorded some role plays to learn how to act when doing a specific job. Do you want to know what to say when at the doctor’s or at a Café once you visit a foreign country? Then don’t miss a bit of these videos! There are many versions, what’s your favourite one?… Llegeix més»

Zombie apocalypse: Escape room!

Last week, on Halloween, there was a Zombie invasion in the school’s secret laboratory…! And you know what? 5th and 6th graders were the bravest in the school to overcome all the missions around the world to unlock the strongbox, recover the antidote and SAVE THE WORLD! Thank you all!… Llegeix més»