Terres de Ponent High School Students Host Fun English Activities!

Yesterday, as part of our school’s cultural week, students from Terres de Ponent High school came to teach us English as part of their community service. They taught us how to play fun games like “The Handkerchief,” “Running Dictations,” and “Tutti Frutti.” We had a great time learning from them and each other. It was a cool way to make our week even more fun and interesting!

Ahir, en el marc de la setmana cultural de la nostra escola, els alumnes de l’institut Terres de
Ponent van venir a ensenyar-nos anglès com a part del seu servei a la comunitat. Ens van
ensenyar a jugar a jocs divertits com “El mocador”, “Running Dictats” i “Tutti Frutti”. Ens ho vam
passar molt bé aprenent d’ells i dels altres. Va ser una manera genial de fer la nostra setmana
encara més divertida i interessant!


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