Merry Christmas!!!✨✨

The last week of school before Christmas we decorated a gingerbread man to hang on your Christmas tree. Merry Christmas families!!!
L’última setmana d’escola abans de Nadal vam decorar un home de gingebre per penjar del vostre arbre de Nadal. Bon Nadal famílies!!!

Merry Christmas!!!🎄🎄

The last week of school before Christmas we decorated a bauble with the colors that we have learned; blue, green, yellow and orange. If you want, you can hang it on your Christmas tree. Merry Christmas families!!!
L’última setmana d’escola abans de Nadal vam decorar una… Llegeix més»

The big and black spiders!

Hello families!
Today is Halloween and through the last weeks we have painted big black spiders to decorate a little bit your houses. We have also heard a funny song about Halloween with Archie and count the spider’s legs.
Happy Halloween🕷️🕷️🕷️
Hola famílies!
Avui és Halloween i al llarg… Llegeix més»

Enchanted houses for Halloween!

Hello families!
Today is Halloween and through the last weeks we have made some enchanted houses with our very scared faces to decorate a little bit your houses.
Happy Halloween🏚️🏚️🏚️
Hola famílies!
Avui és Halloween i al llarg d’aquestes últimes setmanes hem fet algunes cases encantades amb les nostres… Llegeix més»