I3 What’s missing?

I3 children have been learning the parts of the face. Last day, they all drew a snowman as we remembered the story ‘ My nose’. Take a look!
Els nens i nenes de I3 han estat aprenent les parts de la cara. L’últim dia, van dibuixar… Llegeix més»

I4 Archie’s World

I4 children have been learning some vocabulary about parts of the body and clothes related to the weather. In the link below you can review all these new words through Archie’s games.
Els nens i nenes de I4 han estat aprenent nou vocabulari sobre les parts… Llegeix més»


I5 children practice the vocabulary they have learnt by making small sentences. They do it very well and we will continue to practice.
Els infants de I5 practiquen el vocabulari que han après fent frases curtes. Ho fan molt bé i seguirem practicant.


Hello families!
Last term we started working on feelings and now we are learning new vocabulary about the weather through these songs. Don’t miss them! Children love them;)
Hola famílies,
El trimestre passat vem començar a traballar els sentiments i ara estem aprenent nou vocabulari sobre el temps… Llegeix més»



What is Pancake Day?
Pancake Day in the UK is also known as Shrove Tuesday, and is celebrated as Carnival and Mardi Gras elsewhere in the world.This year Shrove Tuesday was on February 21st.
it was traditionally a day of fun and feasting before the fasting… Llegeix més»