Dali’s Art workshop in English with 5th graders!


Aquest trimestre hem iniciat el taller de Dalí en llengua anglesa. Aquest forma part de les actuacions dutes a terme en el projecte GEP. Tot i que encara no l’hem acabat, de moment hem pogut descobrir aspectes important de la vida de l’autor, com per exemple que vivia a Figueres o que tenia un ós formiguer com a mascota! També hem pogut descobrir quins són els símbols emprats en la seva obra, això ens la permès reproduïr una de les seves obres més importants, “The persistace of memory”, i fer jocs col·laboratius en llengua anglesa.

Si voleu veure’n fotos, cliqueu aquí!


This trimester we have started Dalí’s Art workshop in English with 5th graders. This is part of the actions related to the GEP project. Although we haven’t finished it yet, up to now we have been able to discover important aspects of the author’s life, such as the fact that he lived in Figueres or that he had an anteater as a pet! We have also been able to discover which are the main symbols used in his paintings, this has allowed us to reproduce one of his most important works, “The persistence of memory”, and play some collaborative games in English.

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