After listening to the story ‘Where’s Spot?’, the Polar Bears and the Birds have been playing some games to practice the prepositions of place On, In and Under. We have been dancing to the music and when it stopped, we had to listen to the teacher who would say ON! or UNDER! and so we had to jump on the big blue piece of fabric or hide ourselves under it! We’ve had so much fun!

Després d’escoltar el conte “Where’s Spot?”, els Ossos polars i els Ocells hem estat jugant per a practicar les preposicions de lloc Sobre, Dins, Sota. Hem ballat al ritme de la música i quan aquesta ha parat, hem parat l’orella i si la mestra ens deia ON o UNDER havíem de saltar a sobre de la roba o amagar-nos a sota! Ens ho hem passat molt bé!

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