These are sad days…We are in lockdown and it’s been two weeks since we had to close the school and stay at home. We’ll have to stay at home also for the two upcoming weeks but we’ll get through this situation! We must be strong and positive and it’s good to keep a routine and also to feel our friends near us. You can use this post to write your comments about how you’re feeling and what is the thing that you are missing the most. Also it would be great to know your thoughts of the different kind of activities that we have been doing, such as the Kahoot Challenge, the Interactive activities…Which ones did you like the most?

Son uns dies tristos…Estem confinats i ja fa dues setmanes des que vam haver de tancar l’escola per quedar-nos a casa. Encara hi haurem d’estar unes dues setmanes més, però ens en sortirem! Hem de ser forts i positius i és bo mantenir una rutina i sentir que tenim els amics a prop nostre. Podeu fer servir aquest post per a escriure comentaris sobre com us sentiu i què és el que més trobeu a faltar. També estaria bé saber què en penseu dels diferents tipus d’activitats que hem estat fent des del Google Classroom, com el Kahoot Challenge, les activitats interactives…Quines us han agradat més?

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