Милена из Србије

Здраво, зовем се Милена Радовановић и долазим из Србије!

Hello, my name is Milena Radovanovic and I am from Nis, Serbia, the third-largest city in my country. I am 24 years old and I am French language and literature philologist and teacher. Currently I am at my Masters studies, so I am still a student. If my profession convey my love for languages and teaching, then let me make it clear: I am passionate about both.

Ever since I was a little girl, I had a passion for listening to and learning new languages. I used to play “teacher” game with my friends, and this fascination has stayed with me throughout my life. I am proficient in 5 languages, Serbian, English, French and Turkish. Now you might be wondering about the fifth language. Well, here’s a fun fact: I can understand Spanish, though I cannot speak it at  higher level. I thought myself Spanish by simply listening and never translating it in my head. This fascination started when I watched Mexican “telenovelas” with my grandma as a child. That is why I firmly believe in teaching languages through modern and interactive methods rather than the traditional, often boring approach that is common in my country. Don’t worry, when I am at school, I will pretend like I’ve never heard a single Castellano word.

Why did I choose to come to Spain? First of all, I have a deep love for working with children. Their smiles after learning something new inspire me. While I teach them, I also constantly learn from them; they are a true source of inspiration. Secondly, I have never had the opportunity to visit Spain and it has been a long-standing dream of mine. Thirdly, being the only Serbian here, as far as I know, provides me with a unique opportunity to improve my Spanish and step out of my comfort zone once again.

What else can I say about myself? I have a strong passion for art in all its forms, whether it is music, painting, film, and more. I also believe in the power of connecting different subjects, which is why I am fascinated by the curriculum that Escola “Enric Farreny” offers. Additionally, love volunteering and travelling.

I cannot wait to see what I can learn through this traineeship!

Nice to meet you! Драго ми је!


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