Sara, a psychologist from Italy

Hi everyone, babies, kids, teachers and parents!

I’m Sara and I’m a traineer from Italy, exactly from Sardinia, that is, for how doesn’t know it, an island in the center of Mediterranean.

I’m starting to work in this school after a graduation on psychology. At the end of these studies, I wrote a thesis about emotional intelligence and more specifically about the school readiness that is the preparation in children that are 5 years old to start the school with a series of skills, for example in the logical-mathematical field or on the language field, but I specialize myself on the part about emotions and feelings. So, for me is very important that kids and adults can have a good control of their feelings, a better interpretation of others people, so concretely I talk about empathy and every part of this process can be learned and trained too, and who best moment to start it if not during the school?

Another thing about me is that I’ve yet stayed in Spain before of this experience and I lived in Valencia for others 6 months, there I learned Spanish and I understood who much I love travel, in fact I’ve done my first alone trips and it was really suggestive, I saw many countries and knew many different people and I’m really proud about it!

Now I’m excited to start this new experience and to see how can I help and what I can receive ☺️

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