The candy thief: Escape Room

The American Police Department need our help because within our group we have an infiltrated thief. We have the role of being police researchers to find out the clues and look for the thief. Everyone has a character so we have to describe ourselves and observe the coincidences between the evidences and the characters. The thief has to try to deceive and hide its identity to the group.

We go to the crime scene to look for the clues…

Here you have the thieves of our classrooms! Do you know who are they?


1 comentari

  1. Elisabet

    Es fantastic veure com feu que l’aprenentatge sigui divertit. I que jugant els nens són capasos de apendre l’anglès.

    Estic contenta de veure els progresos que feu i la manera de captar l’atenció dels nens d’una manera que els fa sentir feliços

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