La nostra escola ha estat seleccionada per participar en l’activitat de cooperació internacional “Pre-primary education, the schooling of young people from 2 to 6 years old: to the quality of teaching”. Representants d’escoles de 14 països europeus han acudit a la ciutat de Poitiers per exposar i debatre l’educació en el moment actual que vivim a Europa, els objectius i les dificultats que hi trobem. La idea principal és poder compartir i treballar de forma cooperativa entre nosaltres per la millora de les nostres escoles, a la par que obrir portes a la internacionalització de l’educació.

Our school has been selected to participate in the international cooperation activity “Pre-primary education, the schooling of young people from 2 to 6 years old: to the quality of teaching”. Representatives from schools in 14 European countries have come to the city of Poitiers to exhibit and debate education at the present time that we live in Europe, the goals and the difficulties that we find. The main idea is to be able to share and work cooperatively among us for the improvement of our schools, while opening the doors to the internationalization of education.