Hey (Hola en finès)
Hola escola Pau Vila,
Avui hem descobert que els nens i nenes de cinquè estaven escollint un logotip Erasmus a partir d’una selecció de logos  de diferents països. Això ens ha fet pensar que la nostra escola no en té cap pel nostre projecte Erasmus WINGE ( Wind of change in European Education). Per tant necessitarem la vostra ajuda per tenir-ne un. Les vostres mestres ja us explicaran els criteris per fer-ho més endavant.
No us creureu què ens ha passat! Ha vingut a veure’ns una periodista de la premsa local i hem estat notícia al diari de Pielavesi. Podreu veure la notícia al tauler d’anuncis de l’entrada de l’escola.
Aquesta és l’última entrada al web que fem ja que avui era l’últim dia de la mobilitat job shadowing. Ens fa molta pena marxar ja que ens han acollit con si fóssim família. Però també tenim moltes ganes de veure-us i veure els altres mestres de l’escola per poder compartir amb tots les nostres aventures i aprenentatges.
Moi, moi ( Adéu en finès)

Hey (Hello in Finnish)
Hi Pau Vila School,
Today we have discovered that the children in fifth grade were choosing an Erasmus logo from a selection of logos from different countries. This has made us think that our school does not have one for our Erasmus WINGE project (Wind of Change in European Education). Therefore we will need your help to have one. Your teachers will explain the criteria for doing it later on in the year.
You won’t believe what happened to us! A journalist from the local press has come to see us at the school and we have been in the Pielavesi newspaper. You can see the news on the notice board at the entrance of the school.
This is the last entry we make on the website since today was the last day of the job shadowing mobility. We are very sorry to leave because they have welcomed us as if we were family. But we are also looking forward to seeing you and the other teachers of the school to share with all our adventures and learning experiences.
Moi,moi (Goodbye in Finnish)