DIGITAL WORLD – Arts & Crafts Year 6

Children in Year 6 of Primary Education learned about Jericó Santander, a contemporary artist that uses a computer to create his artworks.
Children used an image editor online and a presentation program to create their digital artworks.
Finally, they used a collaborative digital poster to display their… Llegeix més»

Sketchbooks Covers in Year 6

Children in Year 6 of Primary Education have finished their sketchbooks covers. They wrote their names and they used different types of lines, shapes and colours to make patterns. They used felt-tip pens. Then they uploaded a photo and an audio describing their artworks in… Llegeix més»

Halloween Arts&Crafts

During the last week of October the children in Primary Education in Manuel Ortiz i Castelló School made some crafts related to Halloween. They did a great job! Have a look at their creations:
Children in Year 1 and 2 used watercolours to make these spooky… Llegeix més»