Aquest taller adreçat al nivell de 4t (proposat pel Consell Comarcal) tracta sobre l’origen dels materials dels objectes quotidians per tal de conscienciar sobre l’aprofitament i l’estalvi de recursos naturals i finalment acaba amb la proposta d’un mercat d’intercanvi permanent. Com a Escola Verda, estem satisfets de rebre aquestes iniciatives.


English-eTwinning project: MY COUNTRY, MY TREASURE

About the project

The project aims for students to give greater importance to cultural diversity through knowledge of other countries and their own.
The project proposes to spread awareness and European value to acquire a European identity and culture.Therefore, the students involved in the project will have the opportunity to learn about the habits and traditions of the countries as a moment of cultural enrichment.
The etwinning platform will be used as a means of exchanging information to promote the approach to this interculturality.


The objectives of this project are:
Improve knowledge about our own culture and our country.
Knowing that there are other cultures and learning features.
Improving attention and sensitivity toward different cultures.
Encourage the research capacity of our students.
Promote the responsibility of our students towards cultural protection.
Expand the knowledge of İCT tools and use them to develop the project..
Develop the ability to handle images and videos in a digital context.
Become aware of the importance of environmental care as a way to protect our cultural wealth.


The project will be a different topic each month.
October: Introduce yourself and show us the most beautiful places in your country.
November: Our national symbols and autumn landscapes
December: Christmas time in my nation.
January: Winter in my country.
February: The fairy tales and legends from my homeland and historical people from my country.
March: Our traditional dishes.
April: Spring time and climate change.
May: How we dance and sing in our country.


The process and the work will be shared on the TwinSpace environment.
We also want to spread the project by sharing it at our school site. The material produced will be used by the school community, published on the websites of the schools involved in the project and through exhibitions so that the entire community can share the information.



Llengua catalana: ESTRENEM DICTAPP!!

Ja hem començat a treballar amb la app “DICTAPP”.

DictApp és una aplicació web per treballar l’ORTOGRAFIA, ajuda a treballar aquesta part de la llengua d’una manera més motivadora pels alumnes de 5è i 6è. Aquesta app presenta un munt d’avantatges que podeu conèixer clicant aquí!  És una aposta que fem a l’escola per millorar l’ortografia entre els nostres alumnes i a fer-ho d’una manera més divertida. També ofereix una bona quantitat d’exercicis variats per reforçar aquesta part de la llengua.


Related with the interdisciplinary school project “Silence and action” about the cinema, in arts and craft , we are making a collage about our favourite movies mixing different materials and learning their names in English. It’s great fun!!!