Hi everybody,

On the 31st May, our 2nd grade kids went to Barcelona to see a lovely play called “Cinderella”.  The story that we all know, but with some variations.

Some weeks before we did some worksheets, we learned songs,..Once there, we  really had a great time. Some of the kids went up to the stage and interact with the characters: Cinderalla, Cinderalla’s sisters, fairy godfather…

Learning through plays is another important way to learn English.



During this week, 1st A & 1st B have welcomed the spring playing the Easter Egg Hunt.

They have gone to our little field and there with a couple of baskets, they have looked for some chocolate eggs.

Here you have some nice outdoor and indoor pictures. Hope you like them!

They have spent a very good time!




Hi everybody! During the month of February our students from 4th to 6th level have been doing different kind of workshops. One of them, has being short stories. They have learnt a dialogue in pairs or trio and they have spent a very good time.

Here you have some videos!  Hope you like them!😉


Hi families!

Songs are very helpful in the language learning process. We must take into account that when children learn songs they remember them for a long time. Here is a nice video.

Hope you like it!

Aladdin video songs.-

Hi everybody!

Our pupils from 3rd grade had been singing during this last term some nice songs about the play “Aladdin”

Here you have some videos. Hope you like them!

Have a nice summer!

Big kiss!

Lemon Tree Video song.-

Hi everybody!

Our kids from 4th grade has sung Lemon Tree song. This song is the one that we have been practising during this term to celebrate on the 7th June English Day.

You can see a nice video and also some images. Hope you like them!

Enjoy holidays!!

Big kiss!

Let’s Sing!

Children love singing different types of songs. Our 5th grade pupils have learnt some pop songs and in small groups they have sang some nice songs such as : Iko Iko, Believer &That’s What I Want.

Here you have some videos. Hope you like them!


Aquest curs els alumnes de 5è han participat en el programa de la Diputació de Barcelona Cultura Emprenedora a l’Escola i han creat dues cooperatives: 5èA Cooperarets i 5èB 25Coop. Han començat coneixent el funcionament d’una cooperativa passant per la creació dels diversos departaments, la idea de negoci, la imatge corporativa, la producció  i la venda  entre d’altres i en tot moment comptant amb el suport de l’Ajuntament de Badalona. Aquest projecte s’ha  treballat de manera transversal a l’escola, de manera que el logotip l’han fet a plàstica o bé la comptabilitat de la cooperativa l’han supervisat a matemàtiques. Entre un 25 i un 35% dels guanys s’han donat a la Fundació  “Tot per Tu” i “Diabetes 0”, perquè puguin continuar en la recerca i investigació del càncer infantil i de la diabetis.

Ha estat un projecte molt motivador i els nostres alumnes n’han gaudit molt.

Us deixem aquí algunes imatges.