

How was the dancing exercise, did you find the surprise? I hope you did!?  Also when you press SCORE you had the correct word to fill the gap, I hope it was not too difficult!

This week something different, we present you with Rhymes!!

1. This is a video that show you different rhymes (click on the image).



2.Here to connect (match) the rhymes  match the rhyme ? ( Us ensenya la correcció).

Now, it is your moment to practice.

Can you make some? Make a few rhymes ex : The big dog is sleeping on a log./ The big house is watched by a grouse

Com va anar l’exercici de ball? Esperem que no fos molt difícil: Prenen SCORE us posava la solució a les paraules que potser no havíeu posat i… vau trobar la sorpresa?

Aquesta setmana practicarem les rimes, us hem deixat un vídeo amb força exemples de rimes i un petit exercici perquè relacioneu.

Finalment, us demanem si podeu fer algunes rimes fent una frase com en els exemples. No oblideu les paraules que marco, que us porten al diccionari.

Va que ja queda ben poc. Una abraçada virtual!!