Little treasure hunters


Little treasure hunters

Multiple Intelligences ,Project Based Learning, Foreign languages…


English – Spanish – Greek – Italian


Ages taught from 6
Ages taught to 8


E-mail, Chat, Project diary, email, Foro, other software (Powerpoint, video ( kizoa, smilebox, window movie maker), pictures, collage and drawings), Web publishing, TwinSpace, Video conference (Skype or hangouts) , Collaborative walls (padlet ) Tablets (scratch) , interactive maps (tripline), evaluation charts and surveys (google formularies)…


Social studies, Environmental Education, Citizenship, Home Economics, Foreign languages


An old bottle with a mysterious treasure map and a QR code arrives at the participating schools! Little students, aged 7 to 9 years old, will be asked to work together to solve riddles, complete tasks, visit virtually the three islands appearing on the map and try to find the treasure or whatever it is that this puzzling map is leading them to. On “Look Inside You” island, students will be encouraged to look inside themselves, learn to recognise and name their feelings and develop their empathy. On “Help Others” island, students will have the chance to find out about natural disasters and how we can protect ourselves and others. At the same time, they will learn the meaning of volunteerism, its importance to society, and how it can be applied to our daily lives. Finally, on “Piggy Bank” island, students will be introduced to early financial literacy concepts. What will the treasure be? Students will find it out after vising all three islands and completing the tasks.


Select the key competencies that define this project. personal, social and learning to learn/ citizenship / entrepreneurship/ multilingual


State how you intend to work with your partner schools and how responsibilities are shared. Give an approximate calendar of activities, state how frequently you will work with your partner; indicate how you intend to involve your pupils; if you intend to create teams of pupils from different schools and other relevant information.

Students of all participating schools will work as a single team to complete the tasks and find the treasure.
October-November: Internet safety & netiquette, ice-breaking and team-building activities, and treasure hunt maps are presented to the students. Each school will choose their own mascot.
November-December: Students will visit the “Look Inside You” island and they will work in national and international teams to complete tasks that will help them recognise and name their feelings and develop emotional regulation skills.
January – February: Students will visit the “Help Others” island, and they will learn about the Earth, natural phenomena and how to protect themselves and others during an earthquake and flood. On this island, they will also develop empathy and awareness and find out about volunteering and the benefits it provides for the individual and society.
March- April: On the last island (the “Piggy Bank” island) students will learn to identify the types of euro coins and how to set saving goals. The activities will also help them understand how savings can help them buy things that they want in the future and how to spend their money wisely with comparison shopping techniques.
May: The students find the treasure. They meet online to share their experiences and celebrate their journey.
Project evaluation (students, parents, teachers)
Project dissemination


Students are expected to:
– learn about internet safety and netiquette
– become familiar with teamwork
– recognize the factors that are important for a team to be effective and the importance of every team member’s contribution to a project
– recognize the range of emotions they can feel and accept both positive and negative feelings
– to increase students’ awareness of letting someone tell them what has happened to them, how they feel when they are heard, and how they feel when they are not heard.
– recognize the feelings that make them vulnerable to fights
– find and share conflict resolution strategies
– learn about our planet and its structure
– understand and recognize natural phenomena (word cloud – shape of earth & natural disasters in the partners’ countries)
– be informed about self-protection measures during an earthquake and flood
– develop empathy and awareness
– learn about volunteering and the benefits it provides for the individual and society
– learn how to set saving goals and how savings can help them buy things that
they want in the future
– learn how to spend their money wisely with comparison shopping techniques
– develop 21st-century skills (4Cs), life skills, digital skills

  1. While working on completing the tasks and finding the treasure, students will share their work on Padlets, creating digital posters and comics, word clouds, videos, and ebooks. All of them will be uploaded on Twinspace and some of them on the schools’ websites.