



The objectives are manifold and include, among others: development and reinforcing networks between schools, sharing and confronting teaching ideas, methods and strategies, addressing under achievement in maths, implementing innovative and creative approach to teaching, developing student autonomy, raising awareness of European citizenship, strengthening intercultural dialogue building, increasing interdisciplinary teaching and fostering personal development of all school actors, that means students, teachers and parents. The schools involved in the project are schools from Poland, Romania, Bolgaria, Cyprus, Spain and Slovenia. Students from all these countries are going to deal with maths issues in an interdisciplinary way.
The project activities are divided into 6 topics and will be managed by countries:
Maths in transport – Poland
Maths in science – Slovenia
Math at home – Spain
Maths in sport – Bolgaria
Maths in the city – Romania
Maths in buildings – Cyprus



Each country is given a lead in one topic area. Activities are going to take place continuously at schools during the whole project, with intensified results during learning activities.
The project is bound to produce a great deal of results which can be divided into three areas:
Concerning students: Responsibility for the project activities, learn languages, increasing motivation to acquire mathematical skills and improving social skills.
Concerning teachers: Broadened knowledge and experiences with international practice exchange, improving language competences, innovative approach to teaching.
Concerning schools: Promotion of schools in local, surroundings and internationally, developing autonomy of students, broadened thinking horizons of teachers, students and parents, increased awareness and self – confidence of parents toward the future of their children in the united Europe, growth of mutual trust and tolerance.


Impact will be measured at every stage of the project and on the completion of all its activities. There will be ongoing actions to check the project objectives are obtained and with due care. The project pays significant attention to dissemination activities so as to influence as many people as possible.
We would like to improve math skills with a connecton with other subjects. To improve our language skills and selfconfidence in conecctions between students, their language and math skills.