Àlbums scrapbook a 1rs d’ESO

Els alumnes de primer han estat creant aquests àlbums («scrapbook»), on parlen d’ells mateixos i de les seves famílies, a través de textos imatges, fotos i fins i tot retalls de tela.

Cada scrapbook és diferent, ja que el procés creatiu era totalment lliure i cada alumne ha optat per fer-ho d’una manera o d’una altra, com podeu veure a les fotos que teniu a continuació.

The first of ESO students have created these scrapbooks where they had to talk about themselves and about their families, using images, photos, texts and even pieces of fabric.

Each scrapbook is different, as the creative process was completely free for each student. Each one of them chose to do their scrapbooks in different ways, as you can see on the photos.