4t ESO

The center of interest for the students of 4th of ESO during these weeks of online learning has been WUTHERING HEIGHTS by JEmily Brontë. They have read and listened to parts of the book, they have watched the film, answered a Kahoot, given their own ideas about actors and settings they would choose for a new film and finally they have prepared a Booktrailer.
We are very proud of how much they have worked and learnt, here you can see some examples of their productions.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we have.
El centre d’atenció pels alumnes de 4t d’ESO durant aquestes setmanes d’aprenentatge online ha estat WUTHERING HEIGHTS de Emily Brontë. Els alumnes han llegit i escoltat parts del llibre, han vist la pel.lícula, contestat un Kahoot, han donat les seves pròpies idees sobre actors i localitzacions per a una pel.lícula nova i, finalment, han preparat un trailer del llibre.
Estem molt orgulloses de tot el que han treballat i après, aquí podeu veure algun dels exemples de les seves produccions.
Esperem que les gaudiu tant com ho hem fet nosaltres.

Andrea Santos, 4t ESO A

Ariadna Roig, 4t ESO A

Berta Ruiz, 4t ESO A

Gerard Flores, 4t ESO B

Alba Jiménez, 4t ESO B


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