Pràcticum d’Ariadna Asnà

L’Ariadna Asnà va cursar els seus estudis de secundària i batxillerat a l’institut Terra Alta de Gandesa. Durant aquest curs ha pres part en el màster compartit de la UPF-UOC en la branca de llengua anglesa. El pràcticum l’ha realitzat al nostre centre i ha tingut com a mentor el professor Emigdi Subirats, del Departament de Llengües Estrangeres. El dia 4 de juny va realitzar l’exposició del seu treball Input, output and interaction in Secondary education al campus de la Ciutadella de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Va rebre una nota molt gratificant, fet per la qual ens complau felicitar-la. Quant al seu treball de pràcticum farem esment de dos paràgrafs que ens impliquen com a centre. En el següent destaca la participació del nostre alumnat en diverses competicions extraescolars relacionades amb l’anglès:

Some students in this group had the chance to take part in different English competitions such as The Fonix, which consists of vocabulary and reading comprehension tests, English Tortosa Festival, comprising group debates, and The Big Challenge English, which consist of a test that includes grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and culture items.
En un altre apartat valora el nivell de l’alumnat de 3rC i destaca el fet que l’alumnat compta amb moltes possibilitats per poder millorar el seu nivell oral a les classes:
In the classroom I was able to observe that students had many chances to talk whilst performing role-plays. However, I wanted to know if, after providing different input to students and having them interact with their classmates or the teacher, they would improve their English production. Thus, I decided to provide them visual input, such as videos, images and readings connected to a topic. I then had them interact in pairs or in small groups. In addition, we worked with many communicative activities including debates, games and group work such as a final project. Although I only implemented this process for nine hours, I was able to observe how the interaction and the negotiation of meaning between teachers and students and amongst the students themselves helped them to progress their output.
Durant els darrers cursos han realitzat el pràcticum al Departament de llengües Estrangeres les alumnes Cinta Buera, Feranda Raventós i Ariadna Asnà.

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