Recollint el Premi europeu ETwinning pel projecte The Truth Behind Palm Oil

Trobada amb les sòcies de Lituània i Itàlia per recollir el premi Europeu a Cannes en la convenció anual eTwinning. Enhorabona a tots els alumnes per la feina ben feta.

Aquí podeu veure el moment de l’entrega del Premi Europeu eTwinning, categoria 12-15 anys, pel projecte THE TRUTH BEHIND PALM OIL ( a partir minut 35)

ENLLAÇ al projecte

This is a project of exchange of information among three schools: Italy, Spain and Lithuania. It contains a series of activities through which students will delve deeper in the issue of the production and use of palm oil in everyday products, both globally and in each partner-country. It also develops a series of competences: communicative competences in the mother tongues and foreign languages; digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and cultural conscience and expression. The methodology will be mainly participative and highly collaborative. With the use of new methodologies such as PBL, gamification and flipped classroom.

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