“Spanish Families”

Students of 4th ESO have worked on the project ” Spanish Families “.
Check it out.

Our High School: Forat del Vent

This video will show you how is the students life in our high School. Give your children the best education in INS Forat del Vent.

Christmas cards!

Last Friday the 17th we did some Christmas activities in class, and the students of 2nd of ESO created a postcard for a classmate. They are very creative!
The English department wishes everybody a merry Christmas!

The Big Challenge Contest

Students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO participated in the Big Challenge English Contest. Congratulations to all of our students!


Premi Big Challenge

Lliurament del premi Big Challenge al guanyador Pol Carpio, alumne de 2n B de l’ESO. Enhorabona Pol!


Summer holidays are close. Have you got any ideas on where to go? Students of 1st BAT B have prepared a few videos from different places all over the world. Check them out!!!

Difficult to decide where to go, right?  Wherever you go on holidays this… Llegeix més»

Saint George Day

Ins Forat del Vent students and the English department wish you had a nice Saint George Day.