Paradeta de Sant Jordi

Aquesta setmana l’alumnat de la SIEI del centre 8famosa Aula 41) ha montat a la sala de profes la tradicional paradeta de Sant Jordi amb materials fets per ells com les roses i els dracs, punts de llibre i altres sorpreses més.

Dia Mundial Activitat Física al Borràs

Avui, 6 d’abril, és el Dia Mundial de l’Activitat Física (DMAF) i al centre ens hem unit a l’iniciativa de córrer una milla / córrer (o caminar) durant 15 minuts.
Per aquest motiu, durant el matí, cada classe des de 1r d’ESO fins 1r de batxillerat han sortit al pati i han corregut / caminat durant 15 minuts. La jornada ha estat un èxit, i entre tot el centre (alguns/es professors/es també) hem corregut 828 km, l’equivalent a sortir des del propi institut fins a Gènova (Itàlia)


From 28th March to 1st April, Enric Borràs Secondary School and its students and families hosted the Erasmus+ members of the project Small Steps: Big Changes from Poland, Hungary, Turkey and Greece. The Erasmus+ project deals with healthy and sporty habits to be promoted, and so activities were planned along the week.
On Monday, students became tour guides of our school and showed the building and its facilities. After having enjoyed a healthy Swedish breakfast, following the project’s steps, the Greek, Turkish, Polish and Hungarian students presented their schools in the library through videos and slides. Then, we all went to Badalona Town Council where a local representative welcomed us and presents from the different countries were given. After that, we enjoyed a wonderful welcoming lunch at a restaurant in Badalona, which was followed by a gymkhana to find out the most outstanding landmarks in our city.
On Tuesday, our Erasmus+ students enjoyed a soothing yoga session with Susana, a professional yoga instructor. Next, we travelled to Barcelona city by underground and sailed on Las Golondrinas, where we were told about historical and interesting facts about the city and its port. Having had lunch at Barcelona’s Drassanes Restaurant, we strolled around Port Vell and Maremàgnum shopping centre.
The following day, Erasmus+ students attended their partners’ early morning hour of the school schedule and, after that, an American Football training at our school gym was organized by professional football players from Els Dracs de Badalona. It was such an amazing morning! After that, we went to the Olympic Barcelona area, where we saw the MNAC, the Montjuïc Communications Tower, Sant Jordi and the Olympic Stadiums. We finished the day by visiting the Olympic Museum, where we enjoyed a workshop on volleyball for disabled people.
Thursday started at Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, where a workshop on local herbs and how to plant and keep them was held. After the hiking and having raised awareness about the importance of local and ecological farming, we had lunch and visited Casa Batlló, a unique and totally recommendable sight.
The last day of the mobility began with a guided tour around Barcelona, from Glòries Tower to Arc del Triomf, Born Market, Santa Caterina Market, Barcelona’s Cathedral, The kiss mural (by Joan Fontcuberta), the Town Council and Generalitat at Sant Jaume Square. Our students explained every single spot to our lovely Erasmus+ guests. Later, we went back home, where our students had prepared typically Spanish dishes to eat. After lunch, a Batucada session was held by Les Bèsties i Diables de La Salut and we put an end to the afternoon with a delicious snack: xocolata amb xurros. Mouthwatering!
It’s been a great pleasure to host such wonderful teams. We will keep in our hearts and minds every single smile of yours. We must also be thankful for the participation and cooperation of all the Enric Borràs students and host families, who have a key role in every mobility. We cannot be more proud of you!
Next step: Pyrgos, Greece!