English Week. Acting Together

Once more, Bisbe Berenguer has taken part in the 4th edition of the “English Week. Acting Together”, an event organized by L’Hospitalet City Council and the Generalitat Educational Services. There, students from all schools in L’Hospitalet present some activity, theatre play or video they have developed with their teachers and native language assistants at their different schools during the year.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this has been a especial edition and we have enjoyed other schools’ performances and videos online. Our school has presented the video “Ghost Story”, which we chose among all the video projects made by our 4th of ESO students to represent Bisbe Berenguer at the event. We hope you enjoy it, too!!

Video promocional:

Video del Bisbe:


Streaming:3/05, a les 11 hores:

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