Matinal familiar, millorem el pati entre tots

Aquest dissabte 1 d’octubre la comunitat educativa s’ha reunit a l’escola per tal fer una renovació al pati, fent diferents espais de joc. Pares, mares, alumnes, AMPA i mestres han contribuït en la matinal d’avui, tot reforçant les relacions personals i el treball de grup.
Des de l’escola volem donar les gràcies a totes les persones que heu pogut venir i animar-vos a seguir col·laborant pel futur del centre.

A fashion show

On the 6th level we did a fashion show !!!!!

We had fashion models and, the rest of the children, had to describe the clothes items the models wore in a  worksheet, ask them questions, etc.

Roman city

5th level students, did a study about the Roman city.

They designed a Roman city with its main buildings and they told us in class about how they were built and what they served for.