Aquesta setmana, com que arriba la Pasqua i per seguir la tradició anglosaxona, els nens i les nenes han buscat els ous de xocolata per diversos espais de l’escola i l’entorn.🐰🍰

També, els infants de Cicle Superior s’han preparat diversos contes de Pasqua en llengua anglesa i els han explicat als infants de Cicle Inicial i Educació Infantil.📚

Easter is comming, so this week we wanted  to follow the English tradition and the children did the Easter Egg Hunt and found chocolate eggs in different places around the school.🐰🍰

Also, the children from Cicle superior have prepared some Easter stories and they have explained them to the children from Cicle Inicial and Eduació Infantil.📚

Per veure més imatges feu clic AQUÍ


Després d’haver llegit el conte “PETE’S A PIZZA” de William Steig, hem creat la nostra pizza preferida. Després l’hem elaborat amb pasta de sal tot afegint-hi els ingredients fets de plastilina. 🍕

After reading the story “PETE’S A PIZZA” by William Steig, we created our favourite pizza. Then we made it with salt dough and we added the ingredients made of play dough. 🍕


Som les nenes i els nens d’Educació Infantil i de Cicle Inicial i aquests dies hem gaudit del conte: Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? Posteriorment, hem escollit diferents animals i colors i hem creat el nostre propi conte. 📖🐻


We are the girls and the boys of Educació infantil and Cicle Inicial and these days we have enjoyed the story: Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? Afterwards, we have chosen different animals and colours and we have created our own story.📖🐻


A l’escola treballem l’anglès d’una manera molt divertida. Hem agafat videoclips com a centre d’interès (que els diferents alumnes han escollit els propis vídeos d’aquells grups i cantants que els agrada). Una tècnica motivadora per tal de treballar la part oral de la llengua, tan… Llegeix més»


Last week we finished the stations in English. Students had to visit each of the eight stations we had prepared for them. There was a variety of skills to reinforce; listening, vocabulary or grammar, to mention some.

Every day they had to visit two of the stations and were not allowed to repeat. They enjoyed, especially with the listening (a song) and one of the vocabulary games (charades) as well as with the ‘Duo Lingo’ (grammar).

They are looking forward to doing it again.

Have a happy week!



This last two weeks we’ve been practicing how to ask questions in English using the correct question words. Last week we did a speaking activity in pairs in which we asked questions to each other using prompts. This activity has been a preparation for a project we are about to resume with a school in France.

During this year we’ll be interchanging videos with this school in the south of France. This way students can practice speaking using English in real situations. They are very excited with this project. Each video will deal with a different topic to reinforce whatever is being learned at that moment.

The first video is to introduce themselves. On Monday each students wrote the script and then rehearsed it. Afterwards, they filmed each other in separated videos that we’ll put together before sending them.

Here are some pictures of different moments in the process.

We’ll keep you posted!


Today is Halloween, a festival that is very important in many countries. These days we’ve been talking about its origin and learning some vocabulary.

Yesterday the grown ups organized a tunnel of terror for the  ‘Mitjans’. We prepared everything very well and in a record time! We were a bit nervous but everything went very well. Also, when we finished we cleaned up the room properly.

There were fingers, brain, eye balls and veins, we had such a fun time touching things. The tunnel was very scary too.