Els/Les  alumnes de 4t. hem anat de colònies!!! Hem realitzat un viatge al passat, en concret a l’Edat Mitjana i tot això fent les activitats en anglès. El lloc escollit ha estat la “Finca de Vallclara” , que és un lloc molt bonic de la Conca de Barberà. Ens ho hem passat molt bé, ja que hem fet justes de cavallers, farmàcia de natura, excursió per la muntanya, jocs de nit i  ball de gala ( discoteca ) etc…

Quines colònies tan esperades!!! i que bé que ho hem passat!! 

Our science lapbook!

This term, fith and sixth grade students have worked on the living things classification and the five senses. They have researched and created a lapbook with the information. They have learned and enjoyed at the same time.
Here you have a photo of our presentations!


The students from 5th grade have started the “sharing to learn” project. The high school students help us with English and we do very fun activities together. Here you have a photo of an speaking activity. Enjoy!!!