Visita de l’autor Salvador Comelles a 2n

Avui ens ha visitat en Salvador Comelles, autor del llibre “Les aventures d’un ratolí de biblioteca”, l’última lectura que hem fet els nens i nenes de 2n. Aquesta visita s’ha pogut fer gràcies al programa “Autors a les aules” que organitza la Institució de les Lletres Catalanes i que promociona la literatura catalana i el foment de la lectura. Permet que l’alumnat entri en contacte directe amb els escriptors i escriptores i hi estableixi un diàleg al voltant dels seus llibres i l’ofici d’escriure, el procés de creació, el món editorial, etc.

Hem sorprès en Salvador amb una exposició dels seus llibres a la biblioteca de l’escola. Seguidament hem llegit per parelles i ell ens ha acompanyat mentre ens explicava anècdotes sobre les històries que s’inventa.

Després hem pujat a l’aula i en Salvador ens ha explicat quin era el seu llibre preferit, “Bona nit, Joan”, que està dedicat al seu fill Joan a qui de petit li agradaven molt les històries on hi sortien llops. Després ens ha llegit un fragment del seu llibre “Espècies extraordinàries” i ens ha llegit unes quantes endevinalles.

Li hem fet moltes preguntes i li hem demanat que fes la segona part de “Les aventures del ratolí de biblioteca”, que de segur ens llegirem.

Ens hem acomiadat amb una foto de grup.

Gràcies per tot, Salvador! Esperem que t’hagis endut un bon record de la Vila!


Hello everybody!

Our story is called Crazy Restaurant. We did a lot of activities about food, healthy habits, shops, ordering a menu, and lots of things!

One of our favourites was to role-play a dialogue in a restaurant. The characters are: two costumers, one waitress or waiter and a narrator (if it was needed). We prepared the class like a restaurant and we did it perfect! We had lots of fun! Check the video below:



Hello families!

Do you remember about our project at English class? We explained to you how we became astronauts. Now, our adventure has finished. But don’t be sad, we learnt a lot and we ended the project the best way.

We did an exhibition called: AN EXHIBITION OUT OF THIS WORLD. We invented planets for Biptonians to go there on holidays. You will be amazed with the results! And we invited our partners from other groups to the exhibition. Do you want to see the whole work? Check the video and enjoy with us!


Hello families!

We are ending the second term. We practice all the skills at class: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

The last one seems to be difficult because we feel shy and nervous but we practice speaking with games and none of these things happen. We have so much fun and we learn a lot at the same time!

Here you have some pictures about the activities we did. Activities like find someone who or playing our dialogs reinventing the MS Club story:



Christmas Festival

Hello families!

We have been thinking a lot how to do a special end of term and we have decided to do an Online Festival for all the families. We have been working hard these last weeks, even though the confinements and here you have the result. We have prepared many different Christmas songs with all our effort and love. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Merry Christmas!


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