Benvolgudes famílies,
Aquest curs 2022-23 els vostres fills i filles han pogut gaudir d’una obra de teatre en anglès a l’escola. L’alumnat de P-5 a 3r han vist l’obra “Georgina and The dragon” i l’alumnat de 4t a 6è “Dracula”.
Creiem que ha estat una experiència diferent a la d’altres cursos però,tots/es n’han gaudit molt i així ens ho han fet saber.
Dear families,
This academic year 2022-23 instead of us going out to the theatre, the theatre has come to visit us at the school.
The students from P-5 to 3rd grade enjoyed the play “Georgina and The dragon” and the students from 4th to 6th grade “Dracula”.
Although it’s been a different experience from other courses your sons and daughters have enjoyed them very much.

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