Teatre en anglès

The story is set in 6th Century Britain, and in this version is told by the Lady of the Lake.
King Uther Pendragon and Lady Igraine have a son, Arthur. He is taken away from his
biological parents by the Lady of the Lake and is given to Sir Ector to foster. King Uther
Pedragon later dies leaving the country in chaos and without an heir. Many knights argue
over who will be king. The Lady of the Lake states that whoever can pull the magic sword
from the stone will be the King of Britain. Many knights try, but none are able to pull the
sword, until Arthur, aged 16 pulls the sword from the stone by accident and is elected King.
He discovers who his real parents are, and that it is his destiny to be king.
Arthur names his castle Camelot and marries Guinevere, but she has already fallen in love
with Sir Lancelot, Arthur’s best friend. As a wedding present Arthur and Guinevere were
given a round table. Arthur swears that with his knights of the round table they will bring
equality and justice to Britain. Later King Arthur’s nephew, Mordred, raises an army
against King Arthur. They fight and kill each other. Arthur is taken back to the lake of
Avalon and he returns Excalibur to the lake. The Lady of the Lake explains that some
people believe he is still there, waiting to return to create another time of peace and
Activity 1. Ask students to read the definition of LEGEND. Enourage discussion of different
legends they know of. In groups, or as a class, get the students to think about the story of
King Arthur. They may know a lot about the story, or very little. Write up the following
words on a chart on the board and fill in any key words which come up. Here are some
NOUNS; Sword, stone, lake ,king ,knight , castle,
PROPER NOUNS; King Arthur, Merlin, Lady of the Lake, Lancelot, Guinevere, Camalot.
VERBS; To fight, To pull, To marry, To fall in love, To be king
Activity 2. Vocabulary
Cut out the vocabulary and definition slips in the appendix and share them out amongst the
class. Get the students to read out just the definition and see if the class can guess word.
KNIGHTS – (in the past) a man of high social position trained to fight as a soldier on a horse:
SAXONS – Fierce tribal people from north west Europe. Mainly Germany, Denmark and the
ENCHANTMENT – To have a magical effect on someone or something
TO FOSTER (verb) – or take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the
child’s legal parent:
HARMONEY- when people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when things seem
right or suitable together:


EQUALITY- the right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and
receive the same treatment:
BRAVE – showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things:
LUSTFUL – person with strong sexual desire
TO PROMISE (verb) – when you say that you will certainly do something:
TRAITOR – a person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class,
beliefs, etc:
DESTINY – the force that some people think controls what happens in the future, and which
cannot be influenced by people
*Note. Pronunciation of the word KNIGHT has a silent K and has the same pronunciation as
the word NIGHT
Gap fill answers.
1. Fostered
2. Harmony
3. Promised
4. Brave
5. Knights
6. Traitor
7. Enchantment
Listening activity text.
Listen and ask the students if the statements are true or false. Play the track as many times
as necessary. Answers: 1)F, 2)T, 3),F 4)T, 5)F, 6)F, 7)T, 8)T, 9)T, 10)T.
Listening activity text
Lady of the Lake: Arthur ran back with the sword
Arthur : ̈Here it is Kay. What? Why are you all looking at me like that? No, I didn’t
steal it, I found it. Well it was sticking out of this stone, so I..I pulled it out. What?
Me? King of Britain? Are you mad? I’m just sixteen years old, what do I know about
being a king? I want to go out and look at young maidens, kill a few dragons, I don’t
want to be king. ̈
Lady of the Lake : Dear Arthur, it was time for me to have a little chat with him.
Arthur, this country is in chaos, the fighting, the famine, nobody’s safe. This country
needs a leader, someone they can follow.
Arthur : ̈̈How can I be king? I’m only sixteen years old and I’m just a servant boy. ̈
Lady of the Lake: Ah, yes….well, the fact is Arthur, your real father was King
Uther Pendragon and your real mother was the beautiful Lady Igraine. I took you
when you were a baby and gave you to Sir Ector to foster. Arthur it is your destiny,
you pulled the sword from the stone, you are king. The people depend on you, don’t
let them down.

King Arthur’s family tree
1. Uther Pendragon
2. c) half bother and half sister
3. Twice, Lady Igraine was married to Gorlois before Uther Pendragon
4. Sir Ector fostered Arthur.

For students Activity 1.
Listening activity questions.
True or False?
1. Arthur stole the sword
2. Arthur is sixteen years old.
3. Arthur wants to be King.
4. Arthur wants to chase maidens and kill dragons.
5. Arthur knows all about being King.
6. The country is at peace.
7. The country needs a leader.
8. His real father was King Uther Pendragon.
9. Arthur was fostered to Sir Ector
10. The people depend on Arthur to be King.



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