
This is a European Project that puts two or more schools in contact. This is not only a linguistic exchange but is also a sharing cultural because we belong to different cultures that webring together and share. We work with different resources such as: presentations, videos, posters… and we use English to communicate with our new mates from the other countries.

We are Etwinning School! Being an Etwinning School means being committed to its project. Our school gives importance to work with other European schools by learning through global methodologies which includea range of cultural and language approaches.

For this reason, Etwinning has valued our task awarding Escola Joan Torredemer Canela with the distinctive label “Etwinning School”. The principle behind this new label is that Etwinning appraised the school involvement with the project.

All awarded schools will:

  • Have a high visibility at European Level.
  • Form a European network of Etwinning schools to inspire the future development of Etwinning.
  • Be recognised as leaders in the area of:
    • Digital practice
    • eSafety practice
    • Innovative and creative approaches to pedagogy
  • Promoting continuous professional development.
  • Promoting collaborative learning practices.
  • Be able to show their Etwinning School Label in all their promotional and information materials.–2019-etwinning-school-li.htm#c724

Som escola Etwinnig! Ser una escola Etwinning significa que estem compromesos amb el seu projecte. Nosaltres donem importància al fet de treballar amb d’altres centres Europeus mitjançant metodologies globals que inclouen diversos enfocaments culturals i lingüístics.

Per aquesta raó, Etwinning ha valorat la nostra tasca donant a l’Escola Joan Torredemer Canela el segell distintiu de “Etwinning school”. Aquesta nova etiqueta significa que Etwining ha avaluat positivament la nostra implicació amb el projecte.

Totes les escoles premiades:

  • Tindran reconeixement a nivell Europeu.
  • Formaran una xarxa europea d’escoles Etwinning per inspirar el futur desenvolupament de l’Etwinning.
  • Seran reconegudes com líders en:

Pràctiques digitals

Pràctiques de seguretat en línia

L’ús de pedagogies creatives i innovadores

  • Promouran un continu desenvolupament professional.
  • Promouran aprenentatges col·laboratius.
  • Podran mostrar l’etiqueta de “Etwinning school” en tots els seus materials de promoció i informatius.