Physical Education 1st grade

Hello everybody!

These second and third terms, first graders have been working different activities with different games: abilities such as jumps, rounds, throws, receptions…, body expression, dances, laterality and orientation in space and time, etc.

They have enjoyed a lot! Here you can have a look:

Hola a tots i totes!

Aquests segon i tercer trimestres, l’alumnat de 1r ha estat treballant diferents activitats a partir de jocs variats: habilitats com salts, girs, llançaments, recepcions…, expressió corporal, danses, lateralitat i orientació en espai i temps.

S’ho han passat molt bé! Aquí podeu veure algunes fotos:

1st grade – PE 2nd term

1st grade – PE 3rd term

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