English theatre

Hi families,

This week, our Primary Education students have enjoyed a theatre play in English in our school.
Cicle Inicial has watched “The wolf and the seven little goats”, Cicle Mitjà “Hansel and Gretel” and Cicle Superior, “Dracula”.
They all have had a fantastic time!
You can see some pictures here.


Hola famílies,

Aquesta setmana, els nostres alumnes han pogut gaudir d’una obra d’Anglès a la nostra escola.

El Cicle Inicial ha vist “The wolf and the seven little goats”, Cicle Mitjà “Hansel and Gretel” i Cicle Superior, “Dracula”.

Tots s’ho han passat d’allò més bé!

Si voleu veure algunes fotos, cliqueu aquí.

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