ENERGY in 6th

Using this GLOCKENSPIEL∗, 6th graders have experienced that fire is an energy source that can make things work or move.

∗A kind of candle that is a typical Christmas decoration that have their roots in the folklore and customs of the Ore Mountain, a region of Germany. It is suggested that the Glockenspiel is a predecessor of the Christmas tree.


Christmas is coming and last Thursday we had a magical visit! The elves Baggins and Frodo came to l’Ametlla del Vallès. There was a problem with Rudolph, Santa’s reindeer. Finally, Santa Claus phoned us and everything is solved. Goodness!
We enjoy and laugh so much! Look!

S’apropa Nadal i dijous passat vam tenir una visita màgica! Els follets Baggins i Frodo van venir a l’Ametlla del Vallès. Hi va haver un petit problema amb Rudolph, el ren de “Santa”.  Finalment, el Pare Noel ens va trucar i tot ha quedat  resolt. Sort! Vam gaudir  i riure molt! Mireu!