ENERGY in 6th

Using this GLOCKENSPIEL∗, 6th graders have experienced that fire is an energy source that can make things work or move.

∗A kind of candle that is a typical Christmas decoration that have their roots in the folklore and customs of the Ore Mountain, a region of Germany. It is suggested that the Glockenspiel is a predecessor of the Christmas tree.

Finding out ENERGY around us

We have started this project with a challenge: to fix an old lamp. What do we need to light up the bulb? Will the 6th graders be able to fix the lamp?

To be continued….



Going on with the project of The Light in 6th, this week we have been learning about the main characteristics of this energy source by using (among others) a towel, sunglasses, flour, a strainer, laser torches, a traffic light or a clue game!