-our school Blog-

  • Our school-

By: Alba and Blanca


Hi, we are Alba and Blanca, two students of 6th grade.

And today, we are going to show you how is a day in our school.

The location of the center is in Catalunya, Esparreguera, C/ Les Hortes.

The name of the school is Taquigraf Garriga.

In the corridor of the kids, there are the classrooms of P3, P4 and P5.

In the school, there are a lot of teachers, but there are many students. More or less we are 520 students, and like 35/45 teachers in the hole school. (we don’t really know :v)

In the educative center, there is the director, he called Victor.

There are the secretary, the office and the teacher’s room.

There are corridors divided by courses, the one of primary, and there are two corridors for superior cycle and corridors for the childish too.

We have two physic education rooms, and two playgrounds, in the P.E room of the Childs, they do “phsycomotricitat”.

Our school is so big and special; we have a good system of learning for all ages.

We are very grateful about being in this school.

This is the link of the school page: http://agora.xtec.cat/ceip-taquigraf-garriga/

Good bye!

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