We are going on a bear hunt!

Children of P4 and P5 worked the story “We are going on a bear hunt” in the psychomotricity class and used their body to act out the characters of the story.

Els nens i nenes de P4 i P5 van treballar la història “Anem a caçar un ós” a la classe de psicomotricitat i van utilitzar el seu cos per representar els personatges de la història.

They had to go through a circuit as they heard to the story. So, they had to go through a “field of grass”, a “river”, “mud”, a “forest”, a “snowstorm”, and finally ended up in a “cave” where they actually found a bear!  Then they ran out of the cave and did everything in reverse order.

Ells van haver de realitzar un circuit mentre escoltaven la història. Per això, van haver de travessar un “camp de gespa”, un “riu”, “fang”, un “bosc”, una “tempesta de neu”, i finalment van acabar entrant a la “cova” on van trobar l’ós! Llavors van córrer fora la cova i van realitzar tot el circuit en ordre contrari.

They had great FUN!

Es van DIVERTIR molt!

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