Everything will be ok!

*For my dear little students…*

Hello everyone! How are you? I’m teacher Nuria ?
I would like to encourage you *to stay happy at home with your families*. You can play games, read, draw, listen to songs, dance, cook, help at home, practice sports… and *LOVE* each other.

I miss you a lot… See you soon at school!
*Everything will be ok…!*

Love and hugs,

Teacher Nuria ?

*Per als meus petits i petites estudiants…*

Hola! Com esteu? Sóc la mestra Nuria ?

Us animo a *continuar feliços a casa amb les vostres famílies*. Podeu jugar a jocs, llegir, dibuixar, escoltar cançons, ballar, cuinar, ajudar a casa, practicar esports… i ESTIMAR-NOS molt!

Us trobo molt a faltar… Ens veiem aviat al cole!

*Tot anirà bé!*

Amb carinyo, una abraçada.

_Teacher_ Nuria ?

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