TRICK OR TREAT! (6th grade)

This week we have done different Halloween activities: a bingo, a word search and also we have worked on different Halloween traditions!
Moreover, we have learned a terrifying rap “Trick or treat” in order ti sing it to our school classmates in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.
We have enjoyed a lot together!
Of course, we want to thank the involvement of the families and the students.
We have a fantastic exhibition of Halloween mockups.
Here, we share the link in which you can see the photos of some mockups and the rap video
Happy Halloween!!

Click on the link

Halloween Scape Room (5th grade)

This week we have made an scape room!!
We have had a great time and we have learned a lot playing together!
Also, we have discovered different Halloween traditions and played Bingo!
Here, we share the link in whic you can see the photos.
Happy Halloween!!

Click on the link

It’s Halloween 2nd grade

Throughout these days we have worked on Halloween and we have done interesting and fun activities. We have learned a lot and had a great time!! PHOTOS

Happy Halloween!!! 1st grade

Halloween is here and we like it very much.  We have done many activities during this week. We enjoy this festivity and….. Have a Happy Halloween!!!! Fotos

Xerrada sobre nutrició a 1r

Avui ens ha visitat la Clara, la infermera del CAP. Ens ha explicat els aliments saludables de la dieta mediterrània.

Racons a I-4

A I-4 hem iniciat el treball per Racons: organitzem l’aula en diferents espais on els alumnes realitzen activitats simultànies de manera autònoma.

Per començar hem fet els racons de cuineta-nines, tablets, construccions i els meus amics (llengua).  Cada nen/a ha triat el racó on volia jugar i/o treballar, però sabent que a cada sessió n’havia de triar un de diferent.

Els nens i nenes han gaudit molt d’aquest treball en petit grup.
