Science Project. Phasmatodea 1ESO E


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The scientific name of this animal is Phasmatodea, it has small eyes, it’s thin, it has 6 legs . The stick insect eats plants . They live to 4-6 months. The legth it’s about 6 to 12cm. The weight it’s about 30 to 40 grams. It don‘t have predators because it can be camouflage. It’s different to the others because has a tree bark body or a leave body and also since a million years ago, stick insects do not have sex.



This animal lives in bushes and in the trees of those who feed. If this animal are nimphs or adults, the stick insects hide of its predators in the vegetation during the day, and in the night this sticks insects are in activity and they feed. Apart of their apparence,they have more defensive systems; like make noise and have bright colors. This animal can fly and they can be detached from their limbs (a phenomen called Autonomy )

Members of the group are all over the world except Antartic and Patagonia, but they’re most abundant in tropics and subtropics. They’re herbivorous with many species living in trees. They have a cycle live with the tree states. Many phasmids are not required to have fertilized eggs for female. In hotter climates they may breed all year around.



https.www:// 17/01/2017

https.:// 18/01/2017>insecto_palo 18/01/2017

Felip T.

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