Science Project. STAR-NOSED MOLE 1ESO D


The STAR-NOSED MOLE is a small mole found in wet low areas of earten Canada and the northeastem United States,with records

exentending along the Atlantic coast

as far as extreme southeastem Georgia.

It is the only member of the tribe Condylurini and the genus Condylura. Scientists to say is one of the fastest eating mammal. Be long 227 milliseconds to eat. They eat insects, speciallity aquatic insects. Adults are 15 to 20cm in length, weigh about 55 grams, and have 44 teeth. The snout was long suspected to be used to detectet electrical activity in prey animals.

Were first described in the Europen mole in 1871 by German zoologis Theodor. This speed is at the limit of the speed of neurons. These moles are also able to smell underwater, accomplished by exhaling air bubbles into objects or scents back through the nose. The star-nosed mole lives in wet lowland areas and eats smalls invertebrates, aquatic insect, worms, mellusks, small, amphibians and small fish.

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