The last day of English classes of the term, we had a special visit:

First, we did some challenges in the square and then, we looked for, found and got the Easter chocolate eggs, hidden in the park with Cheeky, Tiger and Easter Bunny, the three very good friends!

THANKS EASTER BUNNY! Come back next year, please.

L’últim dia de classe d’anglès del trimestre, vam tenir una visita especial:

Primer, vam fer alguns reptes a la plaça i llavors, vam buscar, trobar i aconseguir els ous de Pasqua de xocolata, amagats al parc amb el Cheeky, el Tiger i el conillet de Pasqua, tres molt bons amics!

GRÀCIES CONILLET DE PASQUA! Torna l’any vinent, si us plau.


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